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Empower Your Coffee Business with GAWAPP

Unlock the Power of Loyalty, Marketing, and Customer Engagement

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Simplified Loyalty & Visibility

Streamlined Loyalty and Expansive Reach: GAWAPP’s Features

Enhance Coffee Shop Experiences for You and Your Loyal Customers.

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Digital Loyalty Cards

Say goodbye to traditional paper cards. GAWAPP’s Digital Loyalty Cards offer a modern, contactless solution for your coffee shop’s loyalty program.

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In-App QR Codes

Simplify the stamping process with In-App QR Codes. Customers can collect rewards effortlessly using their smartphones.

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Personalized Experience

Make your loyalty cards stand out with custom designs. Add your coffee shop’s logo and choose the perfect color scheme.

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Coffee Shop
Profile Setup

Create a compelling online presence with our Coffee Shop Profile Setup. Showcase your coffee shop’s unique identity and offerings to attract more customers

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Directory Listing

Get discovered by coffee lovers in your area through our Web Directory Listing. Be a part of the GAWAPP community and increase your online visibility.

Streamlined Solutions for Coffee Shops

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Data-Driven Insights & Audience Engagement

Loyalty Analytics

Analyze data to tailor loyalty programs and maximize customer engagement.

Collect data on preferences and behaviors to enhance personalized experiences.

Craft effective email campaigns to engage and retain customers. Targeted messaging for increased ROI.

Deliver timely updates and offers through push notifications. Keep customers informed and engaged in real-time.

Connect directly with your audience through in-app posts. Share news, promotions, and stories for higher engagement.

Elevate Your Team, Elevate Your Business

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Digital Tipping

Empower your customers to show appreciation through digital tips, boosting barista morale and satisfaction.

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Automated Google
Review Notifications

Receive real-time notifications when customers leave Google reviews, helping you stay engaged and responsive.

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24/7 Onboarding Support

Access round-the-clock support to ensure a smooth onboarding experience with GAWAPP’s features.

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Dedicated Marketing Manager

Get personalized marketing guidance and strategies from a dedicated expert to boost your coffee shop’s success.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Find our most commonly asked questions below.

How does GAWAPP benefit my coffee shop?

GAWAPP enhances customer loyalty through digital loyalty cards, streamlines transactions with cashless tips payments, and provides targeted marketing tools to boost your business.

The onboarding process is quick and simple : simply download GAWAPP and create your Coffee Shop profile, you will be ready to share your own QR Code with customers immediately. If you subscribe to a NFC plan, our team will send your NFC Stand within 3 days and help you to make the transition from QR Code to NFC swift and hassle-free.

No, accepting GAWAPP’s terms and conditions is all we need to get you onboard.

We offer flexible subscription plans tailored to your business size. Contact our team at for pricing details.
GAWAPP provides robust analytics, allowing you to measure the performance of your marketing campaigns, understand customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions.
No, GAWAPP is designed independently from your POS systems, ensuring a smooth use for your coffee shop. The customer will keep paying his purchases directly with your actual payment system.

Our dedicated support team provides comprehensive assistance during onboarding, including training sessions and ongoing support to ensure a seamless experience.

Absolutely! GAWAPP allows you to tailor loyalty programs, promotions, and rewards to align with your coffee shop’s unique branding and offerings.

GAWAPP provides tools for targeted marketing campaigns, enabling you to engage customers with personalized promotions, discounts, and special offers.

Yes, GAWAPP’s analytics feature provides detailed insights into customer preferences, allowing you to tailor your offerings and improve customer satisfaction.


Download Our App

Join GAWAPP Today and Transform Your Coffee Shop!

Discover a new era of coffee interaction – digital, rewarding, and effortlessly engaging for businesses and customers alike.

Download GAWAPP for Free!